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A Family for Christmas Page 9

  “Well, what do you think?”

  “I don’t know what to think. A guest house, here, of my very own? Am I reading that right?”

  “You are. Tucked at the far reaches of the property so no visitors will bother you but you walk here anytime, to eat, chat, go to the spa or the lake.” Trevor knelt on the floor and looked at his mother. “We want you here, close but free to live your own life.”

  “Sounds like a win-win for both of us,” said Sandra.

  “Sure is. And making it legal was my first official duty as a Heritage employee.”

  Sandra reached over and ruffled his hair. “I am so glad you’ll be staying home with your wife. It’s as it should be.”

  “So, if Robert pops the question, will he come and settle in the cottage with you?” asked Trevor.

  “I think he will enjoy having a place of his own again. Sounds like he’s feeling a little crowded in the apartment at his daughters.”

  Angie stood. “We want to show it to you. And while we’re away, you need to go through every room and document your renovation ideas. No one’s been in there for a long time so it needs modernizing.”

  “Sounds exciting. I was wondering how I’d fill my days, dreading the thoughts of returning to Nashville alone.”

  “When I come back,” Trevor said, “We’ll go and clean out the house together, stage it then put it up for sale. What do you think of that?”

  “I think you and Angie have been doing a lot of planning behind my back.”

  “Only if that’s what you want. I know you have a lot of memories in Nashville,” said Angie.

  “I tuck memories in my heart and they will always be with me. Don’t need four walls to remind me I’ve got history. The lines in my face tell me that every morning.”

  “Perfect. Then it’s set.” Trevor pulled Sandra to her feet. “Let’s go see your new house.”

  That was a week ago and today was New Year’s Day. Sandra stood on her newly gifted wrap-around porch, which needed ten planks replaced and a paint job. She decided the floor should be a light gray color with crisp white rails to stop someone from falling the three feet to the ground. The siding was old and peeling and she recalled a dark blue color in a cottage magazine that she liked. A carpenter could easily install a couple more windows along the front veranda to create a greater expanse for her to enjoy God’s creation, whether inside or out.

  Sandra breathed in deeply. Every time Robert called this week, she’d fought the urge to Face-time him pictures of the cottage, rigidly sticking to the plan of his spending quality time with his recovering family. He’d be at the Inn later, and tomorrow he’d take her to Cindy’s for their first official family gathering to start the New Year out right. He’d hinted all week he had a present for her. He probably figured she needed an engagement ring. A mere formality for him she imagined, knowing the way his mind worked. He’d just as soon slip a wedding ring on her finger and get the final deed done. She chuckled aloud, wondering if her ideas were all wet. After an entire week without her, maybe the man had come to his senses.

  The interior of the cottage was a fairly modern construction. The entire width of the house was one big room, divided with furniture for three uses. Couches, chairs and a tree-based coffee table made up a sitting area. A plush area rug covered the hardwood floors and a huge stone fireplace that reached to the ceiling made the focal point breathtaking. Off to the right, a unique styled dining room table and chairs sat just outside the kitchen. She grinned – now that workspace could use some upgrade. She could imagine new cupboards, a granite countertop, maybe even an island to add to the illusion of separation. With it being in full view of everyone who walked into this huge open space, she’d need to be more careful about cleanliness. Braxton always kidded her about being a messy cook.

  A small powder room was inside the first door off the wide hallway. Two doors on the left side revealed small bedrooms with a shared bathroom in the middle. The master bedroom, exited to the right, complete with its own bathroom and a walk-in closet – that could use some organizing and new shelves but was more than enough space to house the clothes she owned, and his, should that be the next step in their relationship. The view outside the picture window at the end of the room was breathtaking, and she envisioned a reading nook for when she couldn’t sleep.

  Life had thrown some unexpected blows her way in 2019. This time last year she’d been wallowing in grief and now twelve months later, her heart rejoiced with new hope. Moving from Nashville where she’d lived her entire life had never crossed her mind. But from the first moment she’d stepped inside the doors of Heritage Inn last July, this place had felt like home. And now to be offered a cabin of her own on the outskirts of the property, close to her son and the life she’d grown to love in such a short time – it left her overflowing with gratefulness.

  Absorbed in her musing, Sandra didn’t hear the footsteps approaching. When a hand touched her shoulder, she jumped and spun around.

  “Robert!” she exclaimed. “You scared me half to death.”

  “Sorry. I knocked, but no one answered. Charles told me where you were. Hope you don’t mind the invasion.”

  She wiggled into his arms and gazed into his eyes. “You needn’t ever concern yourself with that. You are always welcome.”

  “In your arms or your new home?”

  “Why both,” she said. “I’m so excited. Do you like my new home?”

  “I love the way it makes your eyes twinkle with excitement like a child with a new dollhouse.”

  “That’s exactly the way I feel,” she said. “You think you know me so well.”

  “I’d like to get to know you even more.”

  “It’s a brand-new year. Who knows what it will bring?”

  He pushed away from her embrace and fumbled in his jacket pocket. “I was hoping it would bring a future for you and me.” Robert took her hand in his and kissed it. “Will you marry me, Sandra Dristoll? The sooner the better, for I’m not a patient man and being away from you one long week has nearly driven me crazy.”

  She grinned. “I missed you too. Did you ask your family what they thought of it?”

  “It doesn’t matter – but it will please you to know, I ran it by them and they are all in agreement. Seems they like me better since I met you.”

  Sandra looked at the diamond ring he held in his hand and bit her lip. “Yes, Robert Fredricks, I will wear your ring, and love you all the way into our rocking chair years.”

  He beamed and slid the ring on her finger. Sandra wrapped her arms around his neck and pulled him closer. “I feel wonderfully blessed for this second chance at love.”

  “Mm,” he mumbled, as he pressed his lips on hers, causing the world to stand still and herald the awakening of two lonely hearts.

  When they came up for air Sandra whispered, “Welcome home, my love.”


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