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Christmas Cruise in July
Christmas Cruise in July Read online
Christmas Cruise
in July
Book 14 in the
Ornamental Match Maker Series
A special event in OMMS
Christmas in July
Marlene Bierworth
Copyright © 2019 Marlene Bierworth
All rights reserved.
No part of this book may be reproduced by any means, graphic, electronic, or mechanical including photocopying, recording, taping or by any information storage retrieval system without written permission of the author, Marlene Bierworth, except in the case of brief quotations embodied in critical articles and reviews.
This book is a work of fiction. Names, places, character and events are the product of the author’s imagination. While the author has tried to be historically correct, her goals in this book are great characters and storytelling. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, events or locals, is purely coincidental.
Table of Contents
Chapter 1:A Death to Dreams
Chapter 2:North Pole Delivery
Chapter 3:All Aboard
Chapter 4:Dove Magic
Chapter 5:A Day At Sea
Chapter 6:Freedom Waves
Chapter 7:Five Gold Rings
Chapter 8:Island Fun
Chapter 9:Confrontation
Chapter 10:Busy at Sea
Chapter 11:The Final Day
Chapter 12:Epilogue
From the Author
About the series:
Mrs. Claus is all about spreading Christmas cheer — especially to the many lonely hearts seeking friendship, love, healing, second chances, and that special someone of their own.
To help each lovely heroine and dashing hero find their perfect match, Mrs. Claus sends them a magical holiday ornament. From a carousel horse that matches the exact horse a hero will be found riding to an iced angel just like the cookies a dreamy chef bakes, each ornament has a real world counterpart that, if followed, will lead to true love. These books are designed to be a fun quick read with a touch of magic and romance.
From historical to contemporary, from heartfelt to humorous, each of these sweet romance stories ends in a festive happily ever after that will leave you wanting more — so be sure to check out all the titles by multiple authors in our Ornamental Match Maker Series, by visiting
About this book:
This is my 3rd contribution to the Ornamental Match Maker series – a contemporary romance. Merissa’s story will have readers riding emotional waves of heartbreak and move them full steam forward to a new happily-ever-after. And, the ornament – what else but a cruise ship.
The North Pole is at it again. Its mission – seek out two lonely hearts.
Will the heat of July stop Mrs. Claus? Not when the setting is a Christmas Cruise in the Caribbean. Anyone living at the North Pole would gladly part with their stash of candy canes to see two lonesome doves climb aboard the Imperial Voyager.
Join Merissa and Chad as they deal with real life struggles while imparting upon an adventure to find true love.
Death to Dreams
“Close your eyes and don’t look. I have a surprise for you,” said Kyle.
“I love surprises,” Merissa’s painted toes curled up in her sandals and danced with excitement.
“Don’t I know? Between your love of everything that screams holiday, I’m amazed there are any days left in the calendar year.”
“As of seventeen hours ago, Independence Day became history. And today is wide open for yet another one of those surprises you appear to pull from your magic hat of tricks,” said Merissa with a playful air. It was out of character for Kyle to be spontaneous or creative in the romantic arena, but he was showing promise while trying to accommodate her compulsion to label every day a celebration.
Kyle positioned five fingers on his scalp and tugged on his hair, demonstrating a fake show of frustration. “How will I ever keep you entertained after we’re married? You give me an impossible task, woman!”
“Think of it as keeping the home fires glowing. And remember, what goes around comes around.” Merissa winked at her fiancé, and he shook his head. She relished the sport of keeping him guessing.
“Well, here it comes. Close your eyes – you’re peeking.” Kyle withdrew a manila envelope from his briefcase and placed it in the eager hands that blindly reached in his direction.
When she felt the paper touch her palm, she squealed and snatched it close to her heart. Round, sea-blue eyes flew open. “Oh, my. It’s too big for one of those mushy cards you send me weekly. And too thin for a new manuscript you might want me to read.” Merissa shook the envelope and cast him a teasing glance.
“Quit the theatrics, woman! Just open it,” Kyle said.
Merissa turned it over and ripped the seal, but not before she noticed the big lip sticker pasted on the flap. She sighed. “Ah – so romantic.”
“What did you expect? You are marrying a romance author. Need to keep up my reputation,” Kyle said.
“A suspense romance author. I am convinced my life will never be dull.” Merissa glanced inside and pulled out a booklet.
Kyle studied her expression. This was his best surprise yet. After one year of dating and another six months of engagement, he never tired of that little-girl-quality that found joy in every detail life threw at her. It was his mission to keep her guessing and anticipating his next move for the rest of their lives. Merissa’s face lit up brighter than the spectacular display they’d watched together last night in Times Square at the close of the outdoor Independence Day activities.
“A cruise!”
“Not just any cruise. This is a Christmas cruise – in July. And our honeymoon to boot.” Kyle had searched the Internet for months to come up with the perfect location to launch the celebration of their lives together. He’d hit the target, bulls-eye. Merissa remained tongue-tied and just stared at the brochure. “We board one year from today, right after the wedding. They haven’t even finished building the ship yet. The Imperial Voyager! And we are on it. Since it’s her first time at sea, and it is a Christian cruise line, they’re offering a holiday theme in the summer.”
“I’m speechless.” Merissa let the tears flow.
Kyle rushed over, pulled her up and looked deep into her eyes. “An Independence Day Wedding and a Christmas cruise – back to back. Did I get it right?”
The words choked in Merissa’s throat. Never had he caught her so unaware. To experience this sweet gift of love explicitly designed for her. She felt blessed and knew that her life would never be the same with this man by her side.
“I’ve never been on a cruise, let alone a Christmas one. Do you think Mr. and Mrs. Claus will be there?” Merissa asked.
“No idea – something about the twelve days of Christmas. Does that include the mystical couple from the North Pole?”
“Probably not, but who can do the holiday without them? Maybe they’ll come flying in on a sleigh with reindeers and sprinkle their brand of love magic all over the guests.”
Kyle kissed her on the nose. “You have a crazy imagination. You should be the author. I’d be your devoted fan.” His voice deepened, and somewhere in the moment, their lips met and the world stood still as two hearts connected.
When they broke apart, Kyle straddled his long legs over the coffee table and grabbed up the brochure. He leaned in close to her and pointed. “Says here every day is a celebration. I’m kind of eager to see the nine ladies dancing.”
Merissa slapped his arm. “On my honeymoon? Good thing we have a few more weeks of that marriage course. I think you need it.”
Kyle grabbed her hand and yanked her toward the kitchen. They enacted walking down the aisle together. “Visualize this! Mr. and Mrs. Kyle Sparton – newlyweds – your King and Queen for the night here on Imperial Cruise Lines. Can you picture it, babe? We will nod and wave to our kingdom fans, and the cheering will be so loud it will make our ears ring with delight for years to come.”
He continued the march around the island cupboard and stopped at the refrigerator. With his free hand, Kyle opened the door and peered inside. “No way,” he groaned. “I can’t believe I forgot it.”
Merissa laughed. “You forget something? Kyle Sparton, this does not surprise me in the least. I am amazed you remember anything in that messed up mind of yours.”
“I forgot to pick up the Champagne. We need to celebrate here and now.”
The ice bucket stood empty on the counter, and he stomped his foot. “Knew I’d mess up the surprise somehow.”
Merissa wrapped her arms around his neck and drew him in close. “You are all the celebration I need today. I love you so much.”
“And I love you, too. That’s why we need to seal this honeymoon plan right now.” Kyle wiggled free of her embrace. “Don’t move. I’ll be right back. You can turn on those fake flames in the electric fireplace, and when I get back, we’ll browse through the itinerary and dream.”
Merissa laughed aloud. For Kyle, the best part of any event was the planning. All the pre-excitement was just the synopsis, the first layer of a story that will be a lifetime in the making.
Kyle grabbed a set of keys off the counter. “Be right back. Promise.” A quick kiss on her cheek and he was gone.
Merissa filled the bucket with ice and removed two long-stemmed glasses from the cabinet. She’d made enough dinners in this kitchen to know her way around by heart. It would be another whole year before she moved in as his wife – so long to wait for a dream come true.
The Victorian Manor, located outside the city and nestled within a quaint suburb, suited their personality. For her author, fiancé, it provided fuel for his romance books, and for Merissa, inspiration for her magazine. The structural design created a mood they both loved to get lost in – an escape to a long-ago time and setting. There was always a fictional ghost character wandering this grand two-story home, and often they would follow their lead and play out scenes, surprising one other with a sudden plot twist. Or they’d use the empty rooms to set up whole stages using Kyle’s research and props from yard sales. Within these walls, her incredible man always discovered the next imaginary couple slated to fall in love.
Merissa glanced at the old grandfather clock when it chimed six times. Where was he? Probably another surprise – maybe some supper with the Champagne? She flicked on some easy rock tunes and danced around the room to the music. Each time she passed by the window she glanced out, expecting to see Kyle’s red sports car wheeling into the driveway. He could have covered the entire Sandhill division by now, for the store in question was only two blocks from his door.
After dumping the icy-water from the bucket down the sink, Merissa wandered into the living room and cleaned up the mess of pamphlets that lay scattered carelessly on the table and floor. She held the manila envelope close to her heart for the second time, remembering the look of glee on Kyle’s face at the realization he’d mastered a super surprise for her – his best ever.
The doorbell rang, and Merissa jumped, uneasy. Whoever could that be? Surely Kyle was not expecting company on the night of his big honeymoon reveal. At the door, she plastered on her go away face and opened it. A police officer stood there.
“Mrs. Sparton?” he asked.
“Not yet. Kyle Sparton is my fiancé,” Merissa choked out.
“Are you the closest next of kin?” He looked down at the driver’s license he held in his hand. “This is his address, right?”
“Yes, to both questions.” Kyle’s folks were both dead and he was an only child. Merissa was the only family he had.
“I regret to inform you…” Merissa’s heart plummeted. “There’s been an accident. Mr. Sparton had no chance when the delivery truck ran the light. I’m sorry, Miss.”
North Pole Delivery
When the doorbell rang, Merissa groaned. Amy, her best friend, was right on schedule for the weekly check-up-visit. She should be grateful. The woman used to invade daily until Merissa put her foot down and told her to get a life. The response she received was typical Amy - sure, when you do. In the beginning, more often than not, Amy had to drag her friend out of bed. Somehow, Merissa survived her first Christmas alone and felt stronger because of it.
April had arrived, and with the turning of another page on the calendar, the bitter cold of winter eased, and the temperature rose to a bearable warmth. Not that it possessed the strength to reach into the depths of her broken heart, but at least it thawed. With the winter snow melted, she’d noticed tiny green shoots of tulips peeking through the cool, damp ground in the flower garden at her apartment complex. Merissa hoped the unpredictable spring temperatures would not drop and send the sprouts back under cover. The new growth was as vulnerable as she, and in all honesty, it wouldn’t take much for Merissa to run and hide again under the covers. Amy would have none of that. She single-handedly possessed the patience and stamina to drag Merissa back into the land of the living time and time again.
Now, April 5th and nine months since Merissa’s dreams of happy-ever-after had crashed and died with Kyle, her heart still mourned as if it were yesterday. But life had marched forward. The magazine had promoted Merissa to partner; she had a three-month-old niece whom she loved; Amy miraculously continued to befriend her despite her neglect – and all combined, they chipped away at her resistance. Only Merissa’s heart held back, refusing to pump the blood of life into her present-day world. Kyle’s death sucked the spirit from her, and what resulted was a worse case version of the man she’d met over two years ago. When their relationship began, Merissa had been the outgoing one, dragging an objecting Kyle from the shelter of his cocoon. Life for him had existed through the characters in his books. But all that had changed. Gradually, he’d surpassed Merissa with his outlandish ideas and adventures and swept her along a ride she’d never forget. Now, it was all gone. And with it, she’d regressed into his original cocoon and feared to break loose.
This defined the comfort zone where she now lived, and one that Amy, with the constant ringing of the cursed doorbell, tried her all-fired best to alter. Merissa sighed and pushed out of the lazy-boy chair. It was Saturday, and no doubt Amy would have some fantastic scheme up her sleeve to draw her outdoors.
When Merissa unlocked the door to her apartment, Amy pushed her way past, arms bulging with the load she carried. “It’s about time! My arm is dropping off.”
Amy proceeded into the living room and dumped her burden on the coffee table. The drama-queen that characterized her, over-emphasized wiggling life back into her numb arms then looked at Merissa. Her blue eyes twinkled with mischief. Merissa braced for the coming verbal attack.
“Good morning, Amy,” Merissa said. “Nice to see you, as always.”
“Don’t flatter me. Your fake smile begs to differ,” Amy said.
“Have you had coffee?” Merissa asked.
“At Starbucks – with the gang who continually ask why you’re not there,” Amy said. “They send their love and hope to see your sorry carcass at the Club tonight.”
Amy had recently tired of playing second fiddle to Merissa’s grief and had changed tactics to strike mode. No mercy was her new motto. But at least now she was honest and forthcoming, and Merissa no longer had to appease her feeble efforts at feeding her pity-party.
“Why haven’t you picked up your mail? It’s just two floors down, in the foyer, tied together with elastic bands to keep it jammed inside your box.”
“It appears I don’t need to. You pick it up for me,” Merissa said.
“Ah, hah! So you appreciate my intrusions into your chamber of s
olitary survival! There may be hope for you yet.”
“I appreciate your efforts. In fact, I thought I’d tag along tonight and meet up with everyone,” Merissa said. She smiled at her friend’s shocked expression. “Where did you say you’re going again?”
“Where we always go; to Massey’s Pub, for wine, wings, and music. Are you up for Karaoke? Joe, the owner always begs me to sing, but we both know it’s you that carries our duo through to the celebrated applause from his patrons.”
“Karaoke?” Merissa groaned. “Maybe I’ll…”
“No way, girl! You can’t back out now.” Amy placed her hands on her shapely hips and emphasized the pose that bore through Merissa’s objections like water through a dam.
Merissa bent down and picked her way through the mountain of mail. She resolved to do better – at least with the mail. There was no need to shut out the news the world delivered to her doorstep. She paused when she came upon a manila envelope. The familiar sketches and stickers caught her attention, and she hugged it to her heart.
“What’s the matter?” Amy called out as she raided the cookie jar. “You look like you saw a ghost.”
Merissa never answered. With her finger, she outlined the sketch drawings of a firework explosion in one corner; the party hat, Times Square, and a Christmas tree. When Merissa spied the big-lip sticker on the back fold, she collapsed onto the couch. The envelope dropped to the floor.
Amy raced to her side and picked it up, turning it over and then examining the interior. “Its not even glued shut! This is a sick joke, right?” Amy sat beside her friend. “You showed me this same envelope shortly after the funeral. But you said you ripped it up. I recall that specifically because I was fuming mad on the inside. A cruise! I wanted to go, even if you didn’t, but I’d have never said that at the time. You’d have bitten off my head.”